

Penny Stirling

  Penny Stirling used to be stone but now she is flesh, words and embroidery stitches. Her poetry and short fiction have appeared in Lackington’s, Strange Horizons, Goblin Fruit, Heiresses of Russ 2014, and others. Find her at http://www.pennystirling.com/ and…

From, To

Saudamini Deo

Rain and rain and rain and the familiar sight of rural Rajasthan seemed almost foreign with its green stillness reminding me of my train ride to Prague from Berlin where nothing happened except silence,            …

Dark Light

John Reinhart

There is no key, just an infinite number of doors turned inside out, each one creating a black hole full of white noise and closing into empty dreams where doves die forgotten on rotten limbs and their songs are unsung…

Witches of Childhood

Gwynne Garfinkle

The comfort of the sitcom witches with their laugh tracks, sixties dresses and twinkly music. When I have the flu, my mom wheels the TV into my bedroom so I can watch. Samantha Stephens twitches her nose, and the vacuum…

Tainted Margins I

Saudamini Deo

Years ago, a woman stood in front of me and read out Manto. Siyah Hashiye shouldn’t be translated as Black Borders, she said. Tainted Margins. Another woman, years later, looked plainly at me and asked if people still slept on…