From the Editors

Because I’m the Executive Editor and have no hand in picking the selections, I feel I can say our Spring 2015 issue of Interfictions Online is a real treat. Below is a very brief description from each of our editors of what you can expect to find in Issue 5.

Fiction (Christopher Barzak and Meghan McCarron): Our selections for the spring 2015 issue move between the poles of memoir and fiction, reality and fantasy, nightmare and dream, where nothing is stable or certain, where we inhabit the in-between.

Nonfiction (Sofia Samatar): Keguro Macharia reads Octavia Butler’s Survivor through the genres of speculative fiction and romance. Peri Himsel’s “Can You Hear What I’m Saying” explores deafness, disability, and entertainment.

Poetry (Sofia Samatar and Alex Dally MacFarlane): Our poetry selections seek the spaces between languages, between nations, and between human and animal bodies.

Arts (Henry Lien): This issue’s arts selections are music-themed. There are two exclusive commissioned micro-songs from acclaimed singer-songwriter Stephin Merritt of the Magnetic Fields and a performance by a choir composed of live singers and singers appearing via telepresence.

We are extremely pleased to welcome Alex Dally MacFarlane to our Poetry and Non-fiction Department, joining Sofia Samatar as co-Editor.  Our esteemed Fiction Editors, Christopher Barzak and Meghan McCarron, are taking a well-deserved sabbatical for two issues.  The fiction for Issues 5 & 6 will be curated by Nebula nominees Sam J. Miller and Carmen Maria Machado.

Delia Sherman
Executive Editor