Welcome to the inaugural issue of Interfictions: A Journal of Interstitial Arts, a web-based journal that extends the Interstitial Arts Foundation’s two-volume anthology series, Interfictions. As writers and editors with one foot in the academic literary community and one in the…
Tag Archive for Issue 1
The Tale of Robin Duck Keith Miller
Bone Shadows Rose Lemberg

I work as a reception clerk in the Lost & Found of days, with only my two shadows to keep me company. You’d think they would do something more interesting than stare at each other while I brew coffee in…
Codex to Weave a Spell Unspoken Dan Campbell

Sometimes, the map is the memory. I read somewhere once that the shaman’s song guides her across the landscapes of the soul. Her telling of the tale, reciting the journey, makes the power real.
The Taming Kiini Ibura Salaam

Hunger throbbed between his eyes and echoed in his hollows. He was uneasy in his hide. Everything was emptiness and nothing changed. There were no trees. No earth, no sky, no food. No dirt to paw, no one to sight…
Ginnie and the Cooking Contest Gwynne Garfinkle

Ginnie made bread not chocolate cake and won a special ribbon, a white one. Chocolate had been the original plan.
Gonzo: The Real, the Surreal, and Hunter S. Thompson Brit Mandelo

It’s hard to forget the cadence of the opening paragraphs of Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream
The Thing Under the Drawing Room Jedediah Berry
all the houses on sesame street are haunted houses Paul Jessup

one is for tambourine ghost dressed up in drag wandering in carnivals and pissing in ferris wheels
Acting Lessons Janalyn Guo

Our men were sick. My mother and I watched over the frog pond while our men healed. We wore men masks. The frogs, their fat was delicious and in high demand. Thieves often attempted to steal them in the night.…