Dear Readers, In 2013, Interfictions launched this online journal, bringing new genre-bending fiction, non-fiction, poetry and everything in-between to a global audience, with three issues published in the first twelve months. This past year, the Interstitial Arts Foundation asked for help to…
Tag Archive for Issue04
Lust for Love (5) Susan Rukeyser
Photography, Words: Susan Rukeyser
Music:”Atlantean Twilight” by Kevin Macleod (
licensed under creative commons: by attribution 3.0,

Artist Susan Rukeyser’s piece “Lust for Love (5)” is a collection of five hybrid photography/spoken word tone poems exploring the tension created by images that imperfectly match the words spoken over them. The piece populates the negative space between the…
“Aihportue” An original digital work by Baltzerglass (daniel Baltzer and Mikel Glass)
Sculpture by Baltzerglass
Photography by Don R. Wilson
Video editing by Terence Taylor

In 2012, two art collectors in Virginia named Grace and David Lawson contacted New York artists daniel Baltzer and Mikel Glass, working collectively as Baltzerglass, to create a room-sized installation in the Lawsons’ living room. In addition to being art…
TouchDebbie Urbanski

This was to be the celebration of a lifetime. That’s what we were told anyway. Even the hynies had come out to watch. They huddled on the corner in their ugly robes, hoods up, though they weren’t supposed to gather…
Shadows Into LightKythryne Aisling

I made a necklace about you. Counted out beads like words, linked them, glass and stone – the wire will hold. There are stories in it that we haven’t even begun to write. I warned you that loving an artist…
Concerning The Curious Burial Customs of the Witches of MegairaElizabeth R. McClellan

For A.F.S.B., friend of poets & fairy godparents, wise mother of witch-worlds. On Megaira the witches gave up solstices and equinoxes fifty years after the Displacement. The groves (more shrubs than trees) flower hydroponically, light-years from the moon and…
Dark LightJohn Reinhart

There is no key, just an infinite number of doors turned inside out, each one creating a black hole full of white noise and closing into empty dreams where doves die forgotten on rotten limbs and their songs are unsung…
Witches of ChildhoodGwynne Garfinkle

The comfort of the sitcom witches with their laugh tracks, sixties dresses and twinkly music. When I have the flu, my mom wheels the TV into my bedroom so I can watch. Samantha Stephens twitches her nose, and the vacuum…
On the Government of the Living: A ParableMatthew Cheney

They had not lived in this place for long, but it felt longer than they had lived there. They had lived in other places like this place, and they had moved on. They often moved on, but they never seemed…
Open Spine, Turn PageCarrie Sessarego

This is the story I tell myself: Once upon a time there was a little girl who went wandering in a wood in the sweetness of springtime. She came to a well and leaned far down to see her reflection,…